Mr. Hopp's Playhouse Wiki

The Jester is a minor antagonist in Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 3. It's a humanoid creature created after a creepy jester that Esther and Ruby had met in a carnival's maze.


The Jester is a humanoid creature with a pale and rotten skin, making it look like some sort of zombie.

Its eyes are dark with white pupils and its mouth possesses various sharp teeth.

It wears a black, white, yellow and purple jester outfit and holds a cane ending with the head of a smaller jester with a clown makeup.


Since it never speaks its personality is mostly unknown. However, its continuous laughter seems to imply that it's sadistic, or perhaps simply insane.


Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 3[]

The Jester first appears in one of the levels, where it first hides inside a giant box only to then come out after Ruby's moved away from its room. While the Jester itself can't physically be seen in this level, its continuous laughter can be heard.

The Jester finally makes a physical appearance in another level. It moves within the maze, attempting to jumpscare Esther and Ruby. The Jester can't be harmed by the Six for some reason, and the only way to slow it down is to look at in its direction; as a matter of fact, the Jester won't move as long as it's observed. It can be heard approaching not only by its laughter but also by the sound of small bells.


  • While looking at in the Jester's direction is necessary to prevent it from moving, it's not necessary to directly look at it. So, for example, if the player looks at its direction but is unable to see the Jester due to a wall in-between, the Jester won't move anyway.
  • It's unknown why the jester can't be hurt by the Six.

External Links[]


Major Characters RubyEstherIsaacMollyFaith
Antagonists The EntityMr. HoppMr. StripesMiss BoIsabelleThe Amalgamation
Minor Characters/Easter Eggs JennaDavidIsabelle's motherMarkPoliceBillyTotemsArthur

Golden FreddySlender ManMr. StripesMiss Bo

Minor Enemies Shadow CreaturesMatronsMiss BeverleyJester