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— Mr. Hopp's message written on a wall.
“ | Ruby... open the door Ruby.. | ” |
— Mr. Hopp tricking Ruby to open the door
Mr. Hopp is the titular main antagonist of the Mr. Hopp's Playhouse series. He's a doll created by the Entity, becoming one of his subordinates. Taking the form of a toy rabbit, Mr. Hopp came into the possession of many children, with the most notable being a girl named Esther and later her granddaughter Ruby.
As a toy, Mr. Hopp appears as a small and cute, yet still creepy stuffed rabbit. He has an eerie smile, with buck teeth, a red bow tie, along with blue pants. He has light gray fur, yellow eyes, light gray ears (with pink on the inside), and white whiskers.
Mr. Hopp possesses the ability to shapeshift, taking various different forms throughout the games he appears in. His most prominent form is a tall, humanoid, and demonic version of himself. In this form, Mr. Hopp is much bigger than in his toy form. While he still retains most of his original appearance, he possesses clawed hands and a monstrous grin like Mr. Stripes and Miss Bo.
Being a creation of the Entity, Mr. Hopp is completely loyal to his master and obeys without question. He appears to have little personality of his own, as many of his traits reflect the Entity's personality, which is cruel, sadistic, and cunning. To hide this, Hopp can pretend to be a toy, showing sufficient intelligence.
Mr. Hopp, along with Mr. Stripes and Miss Bo, were created by the Entity using The Six. They were the Entity’s subordinates and helped him with his harvest for souls. [2]
He, Miss Bo and Mr. Stripes eventually possessed three toys originally owned by Isabelle.
Mr. Hopp was owned by various kids before the Entity and Isabelle sought to "recruit" Esther in some way[3], with Mr. Hopp and the other two toys being sent to Blacklands Manor Orphanage via donation in 1952.
Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 2[]
Mr. Hopp was first encountered by a young Esther in one of many nightmares she had been having in her place of residence, the Blacklands Manor Orphanage. Esther nightmare has her exploring an empty orphanage until she gets to the bottom floor where she reaches a dead end and is forced to go back. However, as Esther goes back the way she came, she comes upon a shadowy shape of a toy rabbit, which then grows into a giant monster. What previously was a dead end, is now a seemingly endless hallway where Esther runs as far as she can as a giant, shadowy hand comes for her. Escape from the hand is impossible which leads to her waking up from her nightmare.
The next morning, the head matron of the Blacklands Manor Orphanage, Miss Beverley, gives the children a box of donated toys. A rabbit doll is one of the toys in this box, along with panda and a tiger. When Esther reaches for the toy rabbit, she gets a nightmarish vision and says she feels she seen it before. Esther's two friends, Molly and Isaac, take the panda and tiger toys, dubbing them Miss Bo and Mr. Stripes while Esther calls the rabbit Mr. Hopp.
Esther meets up with Molly and Isaac downstairs in the dining area where they decide to play hide and seek. Esther starts counting and before going to find her friends, she places Mr. Hopp on the table next to the lift. After the game ends, Esther goes to retrieve Mr. Hopp and finds that he appeared to have fallen over, though Esther assumes she simply put him too close to the edge.
During the night, Mr. Hopp's left eye peers at Esther while she is sleeping. When Esther wakes up, she notices Mr. Hopp has disappeared. Esther then hears the sound of eerie music and goes to find him. Esther finds Mr. Hopp in the kitchen and questions how he got all the way down there, looking slightly unsettled. As Esther makes her way back to the children's room with Mr. Hopp, she is caught by Miss Beverley who threatens to send Esther to the cellar if she is found out of bed again.
When she goes to bed, Esther has another nightmare where she’s tasked with collected six different symbols. When the first symbol is collected, Mr. Hopp's music box will start playing. Alongside toys, obstacles, and traps, Mr. Hopp will be lurking in open areas from within the shadows with only his face and bowtie visible. Standing in an open area is dangerous if Mr. Hopp is nearby, as he will catch Esther if he reaches her before she can get away from the open area. Upon collecting the last symbol, Mr. Hopp will disappear. Esther will wake up from her nightmare after collecting all the symbols, putting out a fire, and after being attacked by a mysterious creature which causes her to see, among other things, an image of Mr. Hopp.
When Esther goes to apologize to Molly who disappears after Esther berates her and accuses her of moving Mr. Hopp, she is tasked with retrieving the football of another child resident of the orphanage named Billy who agrees to tell her where Molly is if she does. Esther will find the football in the storage room of the orphanage. Mr. Hopp can be seen sitting behind one of the other cardboard boxes, apparently not having been noticed by Esther. Once Esther has the ball, she makes her way back to Billy and walks past a wardrobe in the middle of the storage room. Mr. Hopp will then emerge from the wardrobe and grabs Esther, and she struggles to get free. Failing to do so will send Esther back to her last checkpoint. If she successfully gets free, Mr. Hopp will let go, and Esther will deny that it could've been real and that she just needs sleep.
When Esther cannot find Molly and Isaac, she reports the absence of the two to Matron Ruth, who says that they're hiding somewhere, that they'll be dealt with accordingly, and that Esther should stop worrying and go back to bed. Mr. Hopp along with Miss Bo and Mr. Stripes are all seen watching Esther from the shadows as she makes her way to her bed.
After Esther goes to sleep, she finds herself in another nightmare. But this time, she faces more than the demonic version of Mr. Hopp and must now face him along with his friends: Miss Bo and Mr. Stripes. Esther must walk a long hallway without being caught, the only way to stay safe is to not move when any of the Three Curses appear. Running is an option when the Three Curses are not present but Esther cannot do so for too long as it creates too much noise. Eventually, Esther enters another location which she leaves and arrives in repeatedly, and every time Esther enters the room, it becomes more distorted. Among other things, Mr. Hopp can be seen watching Esther from a window in this room.
After Esther awakens from her nightmares and goes to search for Molly and Isaac, discovering that they had apparently been locked in a closet, she goes to search for the key. Esther finds the key in the library of the orphanage and she is about to exit the library, a shadowy, legless Mr. Hopp will emerge from the floor and proceed to chase her, but she manages to escape.
When Esther is caught by Miss Beverley, she is punished by being taken down to the cellar and locked in a cage. Miss Beverley scolds Esther but then a gigantic Mr. Hopp hand emerges, grabbing Miss Beverley before retreating back into the shadows. When Esther escapes her confinement, she explores the cellar, attempting find a way out, and she encounters Mr. Hopp which startles her. When Esther makes it to the end of the cellar, she finds the lift, a locked drawer, and Mr. Hopp in toy form. Mr. Hopp then falls off the crate he was sitting on and quickly transforms, chasing after Esther who escapes through a nearby door and enters a room and when she exits the room, Mr. Hopp is gone.
After Esther escapes the cell, she decides she wants to go back to bed, but as she walks a empty hallway, she hears music and sees Mr. Hopp, along with Miss Bo and Mr. Stripes who all jumpscare her. When Esther meets up with Dee who has them do a ritual that requires various items, Esther goes out to collect them and must avoid the Three Curses who each patrol a floor of the orphanage. Mr. Hopp patrols the top floor and will chase after Esther if he sees her.
When Dee reveals her true nature as Isabelle and Esther awakens in a strange location, she must collect three keys that go to a door. While doing this, Esther will also need to avoid Mr. Hopp who walks the open areas of the place. Esther soon confronts Isabelle in another room where she is then grabbed by Mr. Hopp and lifted up. When Esther refuses to submit, she awakens and walks down a path of fire. Mr. Hopp along with the other two of the Three Curses appears along this path who all observe Esther.
Should Esther successfully collect the Six and arrive in The Underworld, she will find the kidnapped residents of the orphanage and must battle a huge, three-headed, monster made of the Three Curses with Mr. Hopp being the head in the center. After Esther destroys the other two heads (Miss Bo and Mr. Stripes) Mr. Hopp the last remaining head and Esther destroys him as well, saving everyone.
Between Mr. Hopp’s Playhouse 2 and 1[]
In 12/9/2018, an elderly Esther who is still in possession of the Six is seen sitting contently in her house, until she hears the music of Mr. Hopp, who appears from behind her in the darkness as a worried expression appears on her face. As the credits roll in Mr. Hopp’s Playhouse 2, an image of Esther giving Mr. Hopp to Ruby is shown.
Then, when Esther passes away on 20/9/2018, Ruby becomes scared of Mr. Hopp and starts shooting him, to which her parents take her slingshot away.
Mr. Hopp's Playhouse[]
In 18/4/2019 Mr. Hopp is the main antagonist of the game still loyal to The Entity and seeking revenge against Esther by killing her and her family. He kills Jenna and David and then hunts for Ruby throughout her house, as wherever she goes, Mr. Hopp will already be there. As Ruby collects tapes, Mr. Hopp becomes more deteriorated in form. Ruby will face off against Mr. Hopp using the slingshot, emerging victorious. Mr. Hopp tries to lure her with the voice of her deceased Nana. He demanded Ruby plays with him, but Ruby escapes in time.
Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 3[]
Taking place in 18/10/2019, Mr. Hopp at first stalks Ruby as she goes to drink water before he shuts off the lights. When Ruby goes to sleep, he knocks on the door while mimicking David’s voice, so that Ruby opens the door.
When Ruby goes downstairs and crosses the house-turned-maze, Mr. Hopp appears from behind a wall and jump scares her, bringing her to the Underworld. After saving Esther, Mr Hopp comes out of the shadow-engulfed hallway, chasing Ruby and Esther through a long hall,Ruby and Esther get separated from him thanks to the door shutting. He later appears as an illusion in the infinite stairway, and hunts Esther on some occasions (such as in a maze where Esther must turn on a few pressure plates to run away),before fully encountering her in his boss fight, as the last of the three curses to be killed, thanks to the six, Esther defeats the demon inside him converting him back into a presumably lifeless doll, gaining the last medallion as recompensation.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Supernatural Strength - Mr. Hopp is strong enough to be able to punch through walls and floors.
- Supernatural Speed - Mr. Hopp can move at fast speeds.
- Supernatural Hearing - Mr. Hopp can hear the slightest sounds.
- Shapeshifting - Mr. Hopp can take many forms, varying from a small plush rabbit to gigantic monsters.
- Teleportation - Mr. Hopp is able to appear and disappear at will.
- Room Manipulation - Mr. Hopp appears to be able to manipulate the rooms of the place he is in, which is best seen with him creating new places in Ruby's house or making a hallway much longer than it actually was or changing the ground floor of Aunt Debbie's house.
- Illusions - Mr. Hopp can create illusions, which is shown with him creating a fake Esther to lure Ruby.
- Voice Mimicry - Mr. Hopp can mimic other people's voices, which is shown with him mimicking Esther's voice through an illusion. He probably also has mimicked Jenna's crying.
- Music Generation - Mr. Hopp is able to generate the sounds of a music box with static through unknown means.
- Dreams Manipulation - Mr. Hopp can enter and manipulate others' dreams.
- Portal Generation - Mr. Hopp can generate a portal to an unknown location in which he can disappear into. He's also able to move the portal itself while inside it.
- Acid Generation - Mr. Hopp can generate acid.
- Umbrakinesis - Mr. Hopp is able to generate objects seemingly from the shadows or himself, such as traps or spikes.
- Light manipulation - Shown by how he magically turns off the lights in Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 3.
- Telekinesis - Mr. Hopp can lift things with his mind.
Mr. Hopp's Playhouse[]
One Hour With Mr. Hopp[]
Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 2[]
Mr. Hopp’s Playhouse 3[]
Mr Hopp's Manor Escape[]
Mr Hopp's Playhouse HD[]
Mr Hopp's Playhouse 2 HD[]
Promotional Art[]
External Links[]
- Mr. Hopp on the Villains Wiki
Characters | |
Major Characters | Ruby • Esther • Isaac • Molly • Faith |
Antagonists | The Entity • Mr. Hopp • Mr. Stripes • Miss Bo • Isabelle • The Amalgamation |
Minor Characters/Easter Eggs | Jenna • David • Isabelle's mother • Mark • Police • Billy • Totems • Arthur |
Minor Enemies | Shadow Creatures • Matrons • Miss Beverley • Jester |