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Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 3 is the sequel to the original Mr. Hopp's Playhouse and the fifth installment in the series. The original date to release Mr. Hopp’s Playhouse 3 was supposed to be on Halloween 2022 but was later delayed due to Moonbit Studios not being able to fully complete the game by then.
Two young girls must solve puzzles avoid traps and overcome hellish enemies to find The Six and put an end to The Entity's reign once and for all.
Set on October 18, 2019, Ruby reflects on the events of the first game exactly six months ago and how she defeated Mr. Hopp by burning him. She then wakes up, now living in her aunt Debbie's house. Ruby then decides to get some water to drink because she's thirsty, going downstairs for some water. Suddenly, the lights go out, prompting Ruby to go to bed, as she can't stand the dark. As she goes to bed, however, she hears the voice of her father, David,  telling Ruby to open the door. After going back to the kitchen, she finds that the kitchen is turned into a hallway with distorted walls. Ruby then heads to a wall that opens, revealing something/someone she never thought she'd see again: Mr. Hopp. The screen then goes black as someone (Isabelle) whispers Ruby's name. Mr. Hopp then jumpscares the player.
Following these events, Ruby wakes up in the Underworld, not knowing where she is. After doing a few puzzles, she then sees a Black Lands Manor wording which is familiar to her. She then runs into shadow figures before seeing a girl tied up. While searching for a way to free the girl, Ruby is forced to fight a giant gargoyle which she manages to drop in a pit of acid. She frees the girl previously tied up in which the latter recognizes Ruby. Before the girl can tell Ruby who she is, Mr. Hopp appears and proceeds to chase down the two. After the two escape him, the girl reveals herself to be none other than Ruby’s Nana, due to her calling Ruby her little gem. Ruby then hugs Esther in disbelief that it’s really her. Esther reciprocates the hug, expressing how good it is to see her granddaughter. Afterward, the two keep exploring the underworld and eventually, they run into the statue of The Entity, and it is then Ruby realizes where she and Esther are. Ruby then asks why they are both in the underworld as only bad people go there upon death. Esther then explains that long ago she used the power of The Six Medallions to keep her and her family safe from The Entity, for the former guardian of hope had attempted to corrupt Esther as a child and recruit her as a subordinate, however, Esther refused to give herself up to The Entity and used the power of The Six Medallions to defeat him. Upon his defeat, The Entity then sought to take revenge on Esther by going after her daughter Jenna (Ruby’s mom) and Ruby herself but Esther has protected them from The Entity ever since. However, as time went on Esther got older and weaker due to time and her strength couldn’t keep up with her anymore, which gave The Entity the chance to take his revenge on her, kill her family, and trap them all in the underworld. After she explains everything, Esther then says that she and Ruby need to find The Six Medallions as they were sent to the underworld with Esther upon her death, but before she and Ruby can explore the underworld to find them, the floor underneath Ruby collapses and she falls through. It was then that Esther not only had to retrieve The Six, but also save her Granddaughter as well, so she began to search the Underworld for the medallions and Ruby.
Esther then completes some puzzles related to The Six and appears in an Infinite stairway, after Esther gets out of the infinite stairway, she then switches three switches while avoiding Mr. Hopp, we are then taken to a flashback in 2D where we play as a pregnant woman named Faith as she walks through a long hallway until the entity jump scares her and she wakes up next to her husband Arthur.
Meanwhile, Ruby is in the cellar part of the Blackland's Manor part of the underworld, she gets two keys that allow her to open a gate and she sees Miss Bo in her doll form, she later encounters Miss Bo and runs away before Miss Bo gets trapped behind a door, ruby then sees a blue light across the pit, ruby then switches two switches to raise the bridge and goes to a door, we are taken to another flashback where faith walks through a more broken down hallway when a yellow light comes then she wakes up.
Meanwhile, Esther gets to the library where she needs something sharp to cut stone (idk how that works) she accidentally cuts her hand while she takes a glass shard from a bathroom mirror, and while she is walking some souls come in and talk about the fact that Esther might save them before disappearing after Esther uses glass to cut stone Mr. Stripes runs past after Esther gets to a room that she gets locked in the lights start flickering and Mr. Stripes starts his mini-boss fight before he disappears after the door leading forward is unlocked, there Esther gets the first medallion that grants her the power to shoot light energy again and continues on before reaching a re-creation of the orphanage bedroom, then another flashback plays where faith walks with the yellow light defending her from the entity before she wakes up.
Meanwhile, Ruby reaches a recreation of the nursery that she used to go to, a jack in the Box is in the middle that eventually opens, and Ruby completes three child-like tasks in order to get three shapes to open the exit from the nursery.
Meanwhile, Esther continues making use of her medallion before coming to a place she recognizes to be a bad place before heading out of it, she then re-meets with Ruby who had just come out of the nursery, Ruby says that she thinks something is following her but Esther reassures Ruby that she can make an end to the whole entity situation, they later stumble upon the second medallion, a flashback shows faith saying that she talked to those above but Arthur doesn't believe it, after Esther defeats a giant shadow mantis, she gets the third medallion, a flashback shows Faith at the hospital before she walks into the void and gives birth, the screen turns a little reddish signaling that she's dead, Esther and Ruby eventually reach a re-creation of the carnival Ruby was terrified at which is inhabited by a re-creation of the jester, then Esther gets the fourth medallion, a flashback shows Faith as a ghost before she walks into a void and turns into the blue orb helping Esther and Ruby, a little later some vines capture Ruby and bring her to The Entity.
The Entity tries to convince Ruby that Esther is evil, Ruby refuses at first but when the Entity talks about how Esther was the reason for the whole Mr. Hopp situation, Ruby believes him, meanwhile, Esther continues to search for Ruby when she comes across Faith who tells her that she will know who she is in time, Esther then goes into a boss fight with Miss Bo before she uses her medallions to turn her into a toy, she then faces Mr. Stripes and later Mr. Hopp, who had the fifth medallion as Esther is ready to face the entity again as she enters the doors to where the entity is.
Good Ending
Esther gets tied up by The Entity. Esther sees Ruby wearing one of The Six who is now The Entity's subordinate and doesn't seem to care for Esther anymore. Esther tries to reason with Ruby, but she refuses until Esther says, "You're still my little gem...right?" This makes Ruby realize what she has done as the Entity is about to kill Esther. Ruby throws the medallion she has to Esther. Angered, the Entity claws Ruby, presumably killing her. Esther mourns Ruby's death after breaking free from The Entity's tentacles. Esther starts resonating with the medallions and ascends into an angel. This starts a boss battle between ascended Esther and the Entity. After enough blows from Esther, The Entity is defeated for good, and Esther revives Ruby along with her parents. Esther stays down in the Underworld because the Entity is defeated and needs a ruler to keep their soul in check, and also because she is of old age. Esther assures Ruby that she will always watch over her and her parents, and so Ruby leaves the Underworld. The light orb from earlier reveals herself to be Faith, Esther's mother and told Esther she was proud of her. Creatures then appear from the shadows, which unfazed Esther and determined her to fight them. A drawing that Ruby made appears with her, David, and Jenna as a happy family. A younger version of Esther is also drawn next to them, except she has wings depicting her ascended form. Underneath the drawing are the words 'The End'. (This ending is unlocked if you collect all of the gem shards in every level).
Bad Ending
This ending plays out similarly to the ending shown above, except without the shards in every level being collected, Esther is killed by The Entity and Ruby is sent back to her house now all alone and vulnerable to be corrupted by the Entity, it's very possible Ruby had a fate similar to Isabelle's (helping the Entity, doing bad stuff, etc.).
- Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 3 is in 3D, contrary to the previous games which were in 2D.
- However, this game also displays both 2D and 3D at the same time with different scenes showing Faith, (Esther’s Mother) and Esther’s father as playable characters.
- Moonbit has stated that this will likely be the last game of the series.
- However, when asked about a potential sequel, Moonbit replied with "if there's a Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 4, it won't be too soon".
- This story features Ruby and the younger version of her grandmother Esther teaming up together too.
- In both endings, it is revealed that The Entity was in fact controlling Esther, making her give Mr. Hopp to Ruby and that it wasn't Esther's own will.