Mr. Hopp's Playhouse Wiki

Do you want to play hide and seek with us?
— Mr. Stripes speaking through Isaac.

Mr. Stripes is a tertiary antagonist in the Mr. Hopp's Playhouse series. He's a doll that was loyal to a creature called the Entity, becoming one of his subordinates. Taking the form of a toy tiger, he briefly belonged to Isaac in the Blacklands Manor Orphanage.


Mr. Stripes has the appearance of a toy tiger. He has orange fur with black stripes, true to his name. He has a blue tie with black pants, one buttoned eye, long ears, and a tail. As a toy, he has a small and cute but eerie look, and has one green eye.

But as a monster, like his companions, Mr. Stripes is much bigger than his original form. While he retains most of his original appearance, he is hunched over, possesses clawed hands, and now has a monstrous grin like Miss Bo and Mr. Hopp.


Being a creation of the Entity, Mr. Stripes is completely loyal to his master and obeys without question. He appears to have little personality of his own, as many of his traits reflect the Entity's personality, which is cruel, sadistic, and cunning. To hide this, Stripes can pretend to be a toy, showing sufficient intelligence.



Mr. Stripes along with Mr. Hopp and Miss Bo, were originally made by The Entity using The Six [2], they were them turned into the Entity's subordinates which help him harvest souls.

Mr. Stripes along with Mr. Hopp and Miss Bo belonged to Isabelle at some point, but Isabelle later turned into one of the Entity's subordinates.

When the Entity and Isabelle sought to "recruit" Esther in some way[3], Mr. Stripes and the other two toys were sent to her and her friends in the Blackland's Manor Orphanage via donation in 1952.

Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 2[]

One morning, the head matron of the Blacklands Manor Orphanage, Miss Beverley, gives the children a box of donated toys. A tiger doll is one of the toys in this box, along with a rabbit and a panda. Esther, Molly, and Isaac take the rabbit, panda, and tiger toys respectively. While Esther and Molly dub their toys Mr. Hopp and Miss Bo, the tiger toy is dubbed Mr. Stripes by Isaac who sees them as creepy.

When Molly, Isaac, and Esther meet up downstairs in the dining area where they decide to play hide and seek, Mr. Stripes is left sitting on a table along with Miss Bo in the library.

In the middle of the night, Esther wakes up and goes off to search for Mr. Hopp after finding that he had vanished. As Esther leaves the children's bedroom, Mr. Stripes is seen in toy form sitting on a dresser next a sleeping Isaac. Immediately after Esther enters the hallway, Mr. Stripes is seen lurking from behind the partially open door to the children's bedroom. When Esther is returned to the children's bedroom by Miss Beverly, Mr. Stripes is no longer seen sitting on the dresser.

The next morning, Mr. Stripes sits next to Isaac in toy form when Esther accuses Molly of moving Mr. Hopp. When Esther berates Molly which leads to her angrily storming off, Esther leaves to try and find her in order to apologize after being told to do so by Isaac who is now left alone with Mr. Stripes.

When Esther cannot find Molly, Isaac disappears as well along with Mr. Stripes. A clawed hand can be briefly seen grasping the wall before retreating back into the shadows when Esther approaches. Esther reports the absence of Molly and Isaac to matron Ruth, who says that they're hiding somewhere, that they'll be dealt with accordingly, and assures that Esther should stop worrying and go back to bed. Mr. Stripes along with Mr. Hopp and Miss Bo are all seen watching Esther from the shadows as she makes her way to the bedroom.

After Esther goes to sleep, she finds herself in another nightmare where she faces demonic versions of Mr. Stripes, Mr. Hopp, and Miss Bo. Esther must walk a long hallway without being caught, the only way to stay safe is to not move when any of the Three Curses appear. Running is an option when the Three Curses are not present but Esther cannot do so for too long as it creates too much noise.

When Esther goes to retrieve a key to a door that Molly and Isaac are supposedly locked behind, she returns to the restricted part of the orphanage since it is located in Miss Beverley's room. Esther climbs up some stairs and Mr. Stripes can be seen watching Esther from behind a partially open door before slamming it shut when she reaches the top.

When Esther explores and searches for a way out of the cellar after being locked in by Miss Beverley, she encounters the Three Curses. Mr. Stripes briefly appears, holding Isaac who speaks in a distorted voice to Esther.

After Esther escapes the cellar, she decides she wants to go back to bed but as she walks in an empty hallway, she hears music and sees Mr. Stripes, along with Mr. Hopp and Miss Bo who all jump scare her. When Esther meets up with Dee who has them do a ritual that requires various items, Esther goes out to collect them and must avoid the Three Curses who each patrol a floor of the orphanage. Mr. Stripes patrols the middle floor who will get down on all fours and chase after Esther should he spot her.

When Dee reveals her true nature as Isabelle and Esther refuses to submit to her, she eventually awakens in and walks down a path of fire. Mr. Stripes along with the other two of the Three Curses appears along this path who all observe Esther.

Should Esther successfully collect the Six and arrive in The Underworld, she will find the kidnapped residents of the orphanage and must battle a huge, three-headed, monster made of the Three Curses with Mr. Stripes being the head on the left. Esther eventually succeeds in destroying each of the heads and saves everyone who had been kidnapped.

Between Mr. Hopp's playhouse 2 and 1[]

Mr. Stripes along with the other subordinates of the entity were trapped in the underworld by Esther using her medallions, but later as Esther got older and weaker on 12/9/2018, all the Entity's forces including Mr. Stripes escape.

Mr. Hopp's Playhouse[]

Mr. Stripes along with Miss Bo made a brief appearance in Mr. Hopp's Playhouse as Easter Eggs. This could've been either teasing the sequel or establishing that like Mr. Hopp, they are still around.

Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 3[]

Mr. Stripes returns in the third game of the series. He at first runs past Esther before telerporting away, he later appears in his mini-boss where he tries to stop Esther from reaching the first medallion but fails, he later appears in a maze-like section where he jumpscares Esther and Ruby before disappearing, later in his boss fight he tries to stop Esther under Isabelle's orders but he gets turned into a normal stuffed animal thanks to the six.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Supernatural Hearing - Mr. Stripes can hear the slightest sounds.
  • Supernatural Speed - Mr. Stripes can move faster than Esther, but only when running.
  • Shapeshifting - Mr. Stripes can take many forms, varying from a small plush tiger to gigantic monsters.
  • Quadrupedalism - Mr. Stripes can run on all fours like his respective animal.
  • Teleportation - Mr. Stripes is able to appear and disappear at will.
  • Sound Generation - Mr. Stripes is able to generate the sounds of static and whispers through a music box of unknown means.
  • Voice Mimicry - Mr. Stripes can mimic other people's voices, which is shown with him mimicking Isaac's voice.
  • Dreams Manipulation - Mr. Stripes can enter people's dreams.
  • Iron Bars and Wall Manipulation - Mr. Stripes brings down iron bars during his boss fight.
  • Spike Generation and Instant Throwing - Mr. Stripes can generate spikes and throw them as soon as they are generated.


Mr. Hopp's Playhouse[]

Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 2[]

Promotional Art[]



External Links[]


Major Characters RubyEstherIsaacMollyFaith
Antagonists The EntityMr. HoppMr. StripesMiss BoIsabelleThe Amalgamation
Minor Characters/Easter Eggs JennaDavidIsabelle's motherMarkPoliceBillyTotemsArthur

Golden FreddySlender ManMr. StripesMiss Bo

Minor Enemies Shadow CreaturesMatronsMiss BeverleyJester