Mr. Hopp's Playhouse Wiki

Dad, can you take Mr. Hopp tonight? He scares me.
— Ruby at the beginning of Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 1

Ruby is one of the two main protagonists of the Mr. Hopp's Playhouse series. She is main protagonist of Mr. Hopp's Playhouse, a cameo character in Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 2, the deuteragonist of Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 3, and a playable character in Mr. Hopp's Manor Escape. She is a young girl and granddaughter of Esther who struggles to survive the night from the devastating fate that awaits her if Mr. Hopp catches her.


Ruby is a short, young female with short brown hair and dark brown eyes. During the game, the only outfit Ruby is seen wearing is a long-sleeved pink pajama shirt with matching pink pajama pants.


Not much is said from Ruby in-game for a complete analysis of her personality. Though, through clues within the game, it appears that she is very prone to fear and often goes to her parents for comfort as well has tendency to hold her hands together whenever she feels anxious. An example of Ruby's fear can be seen in the beginning with a nightlight, meaning she most likely has a fear of the dark. With her room painted a strong pink and pink pajamas, it can also be assumed that her favorite colors are shades of pink. Throughout the game, toys are seen scattered around in the different locations of Ruby's home, supposedly meaning she is a bit messy.

In the third game, more of her traits are revealed, such as being more timid than her outspoken grandmother Esther. She is terrified of the supernatural goings-on, but she still fights her way through it. She is shown to look up to Esther.



Ruby was born in 2009 as the daughter of David and Jenna, and is the granddaughter of Esther whom she referred to as "Nana" and has a strong attachment to. For some time, Ruby would visit Esther, at one point celebrating her birthday. According to her knowledge in Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 3, Esther had told Ruby stories about The Underworld and The Entity and The Six. Esther started showing disturbing signs on September 12, 2018, but David and Jenna would, for the most part, hide the truth of Esther's worsening condition from Ruby. Ruby would visit her Nana in the hospital on September 17, 2018, where she would receive Mr. Hopp from her under the belief that Esther had made the toy for her. When Esther passed away unexpectedly on September 19, 2018, Ruby apparently did not take the news well. She started using her slingshot to fire pellets at Mr. Hopp which her parents objected against, eventually leading to them confiscating and putting it in their safe on September 21, 2018, since Ruby was always able to find where they hid it.

Mr. Hopp's Playhouse

On April 18, 2019, Ruby is tucked into bed by her father and she asks if he can take away Mr. Hopp for the night, claiming the latter scares her. Ruby's father dismisses his daughter but leaves the nightlight on for her. While in bed, the nightlight starts to flicker and briefly goes out. When it comes back on, Ruby sees that Mr. Hopp has vanished and nervously gets out of bed to go to her parents.

Ruby traverses her home, and when she arrives in her parents' bedroom, she finds that they too have disappeared. Ruby heads back to her room, but as she walks through the hall, she witnesses Mr. Hopp in a large, humanoid form. Ruby must hide behind various objects to avoid being spotted by Mr. Hopp and maneuvers past her toys to avoid drawing his attention. Ruby soon realizes she must escape, but as she reaches the front door to leave, she discovers it to be locked and then hears her mother's cries. Ruby begins to search for her mother but never finds her, but she locates the keys to the house's basement. After a brief scare from Mr. Hopp, Ruby finds a tape recorder and exits the basement.

Ruby's new task is to find a series of tapes scattered throughout the house and each one she finds gives her valuable information while also causing Mr. Hopp to degrade into an ever more menacing appearance. One tape is found in her parents' room and while there, Ruby has an encounter with Mr. Hopp in a horrifying, spider-like form. She escapes Mr. Hopp and returns her parents' room to find he is no longer there. Upon listening to the last tape, Ruby learns the location of her slingshot and using a clue from the calendar in the kitchen, she opens her parents' safe and retrieves her slingshot.

Now armed, Ruby soon confronts Mr. Hopp face-to-face. Mr. Hopp slowly walks toward Ruby and she responds by firing several pellets at him which eventually causes him to disintegrate. After seemingly defeating Mr. Hopp, Ruby sees an apparition of Esther, but it is only an illusion from Mr. Hopp who turns into a giant form and tries to grab Ruby by stretching his arm towards her. Ruby runs for her life to escape Mr. Hopp, using her slingshot to destroy more of his machinations, and successfully makes it out through the door of her house.

Firestarter Ending (True ending)

If Ruby is able to obtain matches and lighter fluid, she lights up a piece of cloth and sets the house on fire. After escaping the house, Ruby will watch as the house burns down with Mr. Hopp still inside, pleading and begging her to save him and her family.

Escape Artist Ending

In this ending, Ruby escapes the house but is then immediately confronted by police officers, who apparently either arrest her for whatever was committed, or take her to safety and/or in for questioning. Regardless of why the police arrived in this ending, or why they took her in, Ruby is put into the back of a police car, and while inside, she looks out to see Mr. Hopp watching her in toy form from the house window, giving her a menacing glare, probably for her escaping from him.

Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 3

Over the course of exactly six months after Ruby defended herself from Mr. Hopp, she now stays with her aunt Debbie. Her parents are gone, and no one at her school believed her story, causing her to drop out.

She wakes up on the night of October 18, 2019, to get a glass of water because she was thirsty, until she realises that one of her toys, Holly, has moved. When Ruby goes back to her room, she hears her dad asking her to open the door. When she does so, no one's there. The house seems to be slightly altered, and a mysterious voice calls her name. Then, a wall opens, revealing Mr. Hopp looking at her.

Ruby wakes up in the Underworld. There, she finds a shrine which tells the tale of the Underworld and its inhabitants. However, Ruby doesn't seem to understand the language it's written in. Ruby finds three coins, which are put in a stone. She can now advance further.

Ruby finds herself in an old building. After exploring a bit, she finds out this is Blackland's Manor. Ruby seems weirdly familiar with this name. But, she quickly gets attacked by one of the Entity's guards. She escapes and encounters a puzzle. She has to move a stone brick in the correct order of symbols. After doing so, she discovers another girl tied up in veins. Ruby goes to look for a way to help her.

Ruby finds herself in a room with three pots, and a tap. She quickly gets attacked by a giant goblin-like demon. Ruby fills the pots with strange, colored liquids. When the three pots are placed back, the floor opens, revealing a tab of acid. The demon falls in it, and Ruby is safe. Ruby can now access a switch and tears some veins. This frees the tied-up girl.

The girl knows Ruby's name which confuses her. Then, Mr. Hopp appears and chases them until they escape from him through a closing door. Then, the girl says that Ruby really is her little gem, causing Ruby to realize that this girl is her Nana. They then travel around the underworld until Ruby gets captured by the vines and brought to the Entity.

There, The Entity convinces Ruby that Esther is evil and gives her a necklace with the last one of The Six. When Esther comes and gets tied up by The Entity's vines, Ruby knows that Esther is innocent and tosses her the last medallion. Angered by this, The Entity slaps Ruby, after which Esther turns into her ascended form and defeats it. She wakes Ruby up and comforts her before telling her that she will stay in the underworld to watch over and organize the souls there before she sends Ruby home.

According to her painting, in the end, Ruby lived a happy life.


  • It is assumed Ruby comes from a British background due to her phrase in the beginning: "...Mum! ...Dad!..."
    • This is confirmed to be the case as her grandmother Esther grew up in the Blacklands Manor Orphanage in the United Kingdom. This was further confirmed with the voice acting in every future game giving almost every character a British accent.
  • It’s confirmed in the Ruby’s Birthday short that Ruby is 10 years old.
  • Both Ruby and her grandmother once went to a carnival. The jester terrified Ruby, however.
  • In the third game Faith (Ruby's great grandmother) said to Esther that she and Ruby don't know how special they are, thus showing that Ruby has some sort of special trait. While being Esther's descendant is likely the factor of it, it is still unknown why Ruby is special.
    • It’s quite possible Ruby is destined to be a guardian much like her grandmother.


Mr. Hopp's Playhouse

Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 2

Mr. Hopp's Manor Escape

Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 3


Major Characters RubyEstherIsaacMollyFaith
Antagonists The EntityMr. HoppMr. StripesMiss BoIsabelleThe Amalgamation
Minor Characters/Easter Eggs JennaDavidIsabelle's motherMarkPoliceBillyTotemsArthur

Golden FreddySlender ManMr. StripesMiss Bo

Minor Enemies Shadow CreaturesMatronsMiss BeverleyJester